Terms of Use

1 Introduction

Welcome to DocGenius, the platform designed to transform the way businesses of all sizes and industries create their professional documents. Through innovative use of artificial intelligence, DocGenius positions itself as an essential tool for semi-assisted document drafting, offering a personalized and tailored experience for each user. By asking targeted questions, our technology analyzes the context and specific needs to generate custom content, ranging from functional specifications to contracts and business reports.

These terms of use have been developed to clarify the terms of our collaboration. They aim to ensure transparency on the operation of our platform, the management of credits, as well as on authorized and prohibited uses, to strengthen trust between DocGenius and its users. Moreover, these conditions play a crucial role in protecting intellectual property, both that of DocGenius and that of our users, and define a clear framework for use to prevent any abuse. Finally, they minimize legal risks for all parties, by clarifying the responsibilities of each.

Your explicit acceptance of these conditions is required for the use of DocGenius. We invite you to read them carefully to understand your rights and obligations within the framework of the use of our platform. This document is accessible directly on our website and requires your agreement during registration or the first use following a significant update of the conditions.

By choosing DocGenius, you are committing to a path of document optimization and efficiency, supported by our commitment to quality and innovation.

2 User Commitments

The use of DocGenius implies a series of commitments on the part of the user, essential for maintaining the quality and security of the platform. These commitments are as follows:

  • Accuracy of information: Each user undertakes to provide true, accurate, and up-to-date personal and contact information during registration and to keep it up-to-date throughout the use of DocGenius. This accuracy is crucial for account management, communication, and billing.
  • Respect for credit usage guidelines: Users must adhere to the terms of purchase, consumption, and renewal of credits as defined by DocGenius. This includes understanding that credits have a validity period and must be used within the framework of the services offered by the platform.
  • Ethical use of the platform: DocGenius must be used in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, without leading to malicious or illegal activities. This includes, but is not limited to, respecting copyright and intellectual property, as well as avoiding any form of fraud or abuse.
  • Data protection: While no specific confidentiality obligation is imposed on users beyond standard online practices, DocGenius encourages particular attention to the protection of personal and professional data processed on the platform. Users are invited to adopt adequate security measures to protect access to their account and the generated documents.

By accepting these terms of use, users acknowledge their responsibility in maintaining the security, legality, and integrity of their use of DocGenius. Non-compliance with these commitments may result in corrective measures, including, but not limited to, suspension or termination of the user account.

3 Credit Management Terms

The following section details the credit management terms on DocGenius, a central element of our billing and access to services system. It is structured around the acquisition, use, and expiration and renewal of credits, thus providing a comprehensive view of how credits facilitate an optimized and flexible user experience.

3.1 Credit Acquisition

After the initial registration, which offers each new user 500 credits valid for 14 days, DocGenius proposes different subscription plans for the acquisition of additional credits, necessary for the continuation of the use of the platform. These plans are designed to meet the varied needs of our users, ranging from freelancers to large companies.

  • The "Starter" plan is ideal for users with occasional needs. It allows the purchase of credits on consumption, with no commitment or minimum required. The used credits are billed at the end of the month.
  • For regular users, the "Pro" plan at 49€ per month includes 1500 credits and offers standard customer support. Additional credits are billed at the end of the month with a 25% reduction. This option is designed to offer a better price-performance ratio to professionals.
  • The "Enterprise" plan, intended for larger organizations, is priced at 249€ per month. It includes 10000 credits, a dedicated account manager, and personalized training sessions on the optimal use of DocGenius. Additional credits are billed at the end of the month with a 33% reduction.

For companies with specific needs, DocGenius offers the possibility of customized plans. These plans allow negotiation of the volume of credits and additional services directly with an account manager, thus ensuring a solution perfectly adapted to each case.

Payments can be made via credit card, direct debit, PayPal, or bank transfer, thanks to our payment partner Stripe, guaranteeing a secure and reliable transaction.

By choosing one of these plans, users ensure continuous access to the innovative services of DocGenius, while controlling their budget and optimizing their document production.

3.2 Credit Usage

The credits acquired on DocGenius serve to access all the services and types of documents offered by the platform. Each action, from creating a document to using advanced features, is valued in credits, whose count is automatically deducted upon use.

  • Unrestricted use: Credits can be used for all services available on DocGenius, without any restriction on document type or functionality. This offers maximum flexibility to users to meet their specific needs.
  • Non-transferability: It is important to note that credits are linked to the workspace in which they were acquired. They cannot be shared or transferred between different workspaces.
  • Consumption tracking: Users have a dashboard integrated into their account, allowing real-time tracking of the balance of available credits and the history of their use. Email notifications are also sent to alert users when their credit balance reaches a critical threshold or before their expiration, thus ensuring optimal management of resources.
  • Engagement conditions: Once an order is placed and the credits committed, no change or cancellation is possible.
  • Flexibility and promotions: While DocGenius does not offer specific flexibility options outside of subscription plans, users are encouraged to contact customer support to discuss particular needs.

This credit management is designed to offer a transparent and efficient user experience, enabling each user to maximize the use of DocGenius services while controlling their budget.

3.3 Expiration and Renewal

The management of credits on DocGenius is designed to offer flexibility and control to our users, while ensuring optimal use of our services.

  • Expiration of credits: Credits purchased in the form of prepaid packs benefit from a validity period of 12 months. Credits offered via the "Pro" and "Enterprise" formulas expire at the end of the month of their issuance. Unused credits at their expiration are lost definitively, without possibility of recovery or compensation.
  • Renewal of credits: To guarantee continuity in the use of DocGenius services, an automatic renewal option for credits is activated by default for all subscriptions. This option ensures that users always have the necessary credits for their document needs, without interruption. Credits consumed beyond the amount included in the subscription are billed at the end of the month, thus allowing fluid and surprise-free management of resources. This automatic renewal option is effective up to a maximum ceiling defined by the user.

To manage the automatic renewal option or for any question related to the expiration and renewal of credits, users are invited to consult their dashboard or to contact customer service directly.

4 Authorized and Prohibited Uses

This section delineates the framework for using DocGenius, clearly distinguishing the authorized uses, which encourage productive and compliant use of the platform, from the prohibited uses, aimed at preserving the integrity and security of all users. These guidelines are essential to ensure an optimal and respectful experience for all.

4.1 Authorized Uses

The authorized uses of the DocGenius platform are defined to ensure a compliant and productive use of the offered services. Companies using DocGenius are encouraged to leverage the platform for creating, editing, and sharing various types of professional documents, including but not limited to functional specifications, contracts, and business reports. These documents can be shared and collaborated within the company's teams, thereby promoting efficient and centralized document management.

  • Document creation: Users are authorized to generate documents tailored to their specific needs, leveraging artificial intelligence for advanced personalization.
  • Editing and collaboration: DocGenius allows collaborative editing, offering teams the opportunity to work jointly on documents, thus improving productivity and cohesion.
  • Internal sharing: Generated documents can be shared within the user's organization, facilitating communication and access to relevant information.

It is imperative that users ensure compliance with the applicable regulations in their country when using DocGenius. This includes, but is not limited to, respecting copyright and data privacy laws. DocGenius is committed to providing a platform that complies with legal frameworks, while offering maximum flexibility for companies' document management.

The use of DocGenius should always be guided by principles of good faith and mutual respect between the platform and its users, as well as between users themselves.

4.2 Prohibited Uses

The prohibited uses of DocGenius are established to preserve the integrity, security, and reputation of the platform, as well as to protect the rights and confidentiality of all users and third parties. Non-compliance with these prohibitions may result in corrective measures, including, but not limited to, suspension or termination of the user account.

  • Dissemination of illegal content: It is strictly forbidden to publish or share copyrighted content without authorization, personal data without explicit consent, or any other material in violation of applicable laws.
  • Inciting violence and harassment: DocGenius condemns any form of incitement to violence and harassment. Threatening, intimidating, or any other type of harassment towards other users or third parties is formally prohibited.
  • Dissemination of false information: The publication of misleading, false or fake information is prohibited. DocGenius aims to promote the accuracy and reliability of information shared on its platform.
  • Use of automatic scripts: The employment of bots or any other automated means to generate, manipulate content or interfere with the platform is prohibited without the explicit authorization of DocGenius.
  • Compromising security: Any attempt to compromise the security of the platform, including, but not limited to, hacking, introducing viruses or other malicious code, is strictly prohibited.
  • Spam and inappropriate content: The dissemination of spam, pornographic content or explicit sexual content, as well as hate speech or discriminatory discourse based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc., are formally prohibited.

DocGenius reserves the right to take all necessary measures in case of violation of these prohibitions, in order to protect its community and services. Users are encouraged to report any suspicious activity or content in violation of these principles.

5 Consequences of Violations

This section addresses the measures taken by DocGenius in case of non-compliance with the terms of use. It is divided into two main parts: temporary account suspension, applied as a first response to violations, and conflict resolution, detailing the procedure for managing disputes related to the use of the platform.

5.1 Temporary Account Suspension

As part of the management of violations of the terms of use, DocGenius applies a strict policy aimed at maintaining the security and integrity of its platform. Temporary account suspension constitutes a corrective measure provided for cases of non-compliance with the commitments made by users.

The criteria leading to a temporary suspension include, but are not limited to, repeated violations of authorized uses, such as the dissemination of copyrighted content without authorization, engagement in illegal activities, or the exercise of intimidation and harassment towards other users. Excessive non-compliant use of the subscription, manifested by a consumption of credits largely superior to that provided for without regularization of the necessary payments, as well as attempts to compromise the security of the platform, including hacking and sending viruses, are also likely to lead to a suspension.

The suspension process is immediate and without prior warning for serious offenses, with a suspension period set at 30 days. To restore their account, users must contact customer support and collaborate in resolving the issues that led to the suspension.

Immediately after the suspension, the user concerned receives a notification on the platform as well as an email detailing the reasons for the suspension. This message also contains specific instructions on how to contact support to initiate the resolution process and possibly recover access to the account.

This rigorous approach aims to ensure that DocGenius remains a safe and respectful environment for everyone's rights, while emphasizing the importance of respecting the established terms of use.

5.2 Conflict Resolution

As part of the management of violations of the terms of use, DocGenius implements a structured conflict resolution process, aimed at resolving disputes that may arise between DocGenius and its users in a fair and efficient manner. This process is designed to ensure that all parties have an opportunity to present their case and reach an amicable solution.

  1. Initial Contact: The process begins with an initial contact from the user via a dedicated form on the DocGenius website. This ensures that all necessary information is collected in a structured manner for a precise evaluation of the conflict.
  2. Internal Evaluation: Once the form is received, a dedicated team at DocGenius conducts an internal evaluation of the conflict. This step aims to understand the circumstances leading to the situation, based on the information provided by the user and the data available on the platform.
  3. Mediation: If necessary, and depending on the nature of the conflict, mediation is proposed to find an amicable resolution. DocGenius may call upon third parties or external experts to serve as neutral mediators or provide specific technical expertise, only at the request of one or both parties involved.
  4. Resolution: The aim of mediation is to reach a solution satisfactory to all parties. If an amicable resolution is found, the terms of the agreement are documented and the necessary measures are taken to implement the agreed-upon solution.
  5. Appropriate Measures: In case of failure of the mediation, or if the nature of the conflict justifies it, DocGenius reserves the right to take the appropriate measures according to the terms of use. This may include, but is not limited to, the suspension or termination of the user's account.

DocGenius is committed to handling all conflicts with the utmost care and attention, respecting the principles of fairness and transparency. Users are encouraged to contact DocGenius customer support for any questions or concerns related to the conflict resolution process.

6 Legal and Regulatory Information

This section addresses the essential aspects of the legal and regulatory information that governs the use of DocGenius. It is divided into two main parts: the first dealing with copyright and intellectual property of the generated documents, and the second with the limitations of liability of DocGenius in the context of the use of its services. This information is crucial for understanding the legal rights and obligations of users as well as those of DocGenius.

6.1 Copyright and Intellectual Property

DocGenius places great importance on protecting copyright and intellectual property. In line with this commitment, the documents generated by the DocGenius platform are the exclusive property of the user who created them. This ownership gives the user all necessary rights to use, modify, share, or commercially exploit these documents, subject to compliance with applicable copyright and intellectual property laws.

To ensure the protection of these documents against unauthorized use by third parties, DocGenius implements a robust identity verification system. This system ensures that only authorized users have the possibility to consult or download the documents they have generated.

Users of DocGenius are responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary rights to include any third-party content in the documents generated by the platform.

6.2 Limitations of Liability

DocGenius is committed to providing a quality platform, aiming to optimize the creation of professional documents through artificial intelligence. However, certain limitations of liability should be noted:

  • DocGenius cannot be held responsible for data loss resulting from service interruptions due to circumstances beyond its control, such as server failures at hosting providers or natural disasters.
  • The liability of DocGenius is excluded in case of errors or inaccuracies in the generated documents, when these errors result directly from the information provided by the user or the automated interpretation by the artificial intelligence.
  • DocGenius cannot be held responsible for delays in the delivery of services or the temporary unavailability of the platform for reasons of maintenance or updates, although we strive to minimize these inconveniences.
  • In case of a claim related to liability imputed to DocGenius, the user is invited to contact customer service first. If no satisfactory solution is found, the claim may be escalated to the legal support of DocGenius within a period of 30 days after the discovery of the problem.

It is important to note that DocGenius maintains a uniform approach to limitations of liability, while complying with major international regulations, such as the GDPR and the CCPA. However, no specific exceptions by region are applied.

This section aims to provide a concise and general overview of the limitations of liability of DocGenius, in order to facilitate understanding by all users and maintain the clarity of the document.

7 Contact and Claims Management

DocGenius is committed to offering quality customer service and to efficiently handling any claim submitted by its users. To ensure transparent and efficient management of claims, DocGenius provides several means of contact and a dedicated follow-up process.

  • Claim Submission: Users can submit their claims via a form on the website of DocGenius. This form activates a ticketing system that ensures traceability and follow-up of each request.
  • Follow-up Process: After submission, an acknowledgment of receipt is immediately sent to the user. An initial evaluation of the claim is carried out within 72 hours. Although the resolution time may vary depending on the complexity of the claim, DocGenius is committed to resolving any claim within a period of 15 working days, maintaining constant communication with the user throughout the process.
  • Post-Resolution Measures: Following the resolution of a claim, DocGenius takes measures to ensure user satisfaction and prevent future similar problems. These measures include the addition or improvement of features on the platform, as part of a continuous improvement approach.

DocGenius is determined to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and considers each claim as an opportunity to improve its services. Users are encouraged to use the communication channels available to them for any question, concern, or claim, ensuring an optimal user experience.


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